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Leading in the Aftermath

Course length


About the course

“Leading in the Aftermath: Principles, Wisdom and Strategies of Leadership”
Pt 1- 24 Hours

Welcome to the “Leading in the Aftermath” Three-Day Leadership Workshop!

Being a leader in today’s work environment is not easy. Things are changing daily as we are
adjusting to new ways of doing things. It is our new reality. We are in a major paradigm shift
and things may never be the same. This class has been designed to help those that are in
positions of leadership in Public Safety to develop and hone the skills they need in their
leadership roles.

Day One: We will cover leadership basics and the need for effective leadership during which we
 Define leadership and learn practical wisdom truths and strategies to lead effectively
through crisis situations.
 Review 7 types of leaders in the workplace and the 4 levels of leadership influence and
how to operate effectively within them.
 Compare and contrast the different focuses of management vs leadership on a daily basis.
 Discuss the six types of power available to a leader.
 Understand the purposes of personal and professional relationships in the workplace.
 Identify leadership pitfalls to be avoided.
 Review and understand the difference between Character vs. Reputation in Leadership.

Day Two: Leadership Skill Building Express: We will:
 Learn the steps to effective decision making
 Review the no-nonsense 6-step strategy of properly delegating authority.
 Discuss a few traits of counterfeit leadership that must be avoided.
 Understand team dynamics and how to lead your team to synergy.
 The 4-step strategy to professionalizing conflict.
 The components of communication and how to communicate effectively as a leader.

Day Three: Your Unique Leadership Style: Assessment Debrief . During this session we will
 The difference between motivation and manipulation.
 Each participants DISC and Driving Forces assessments which will reveal your unique
leadership behavioral style (how and why you do what you do).
 What drives your behavior (why you do what you do).The motivators and driving forces
behind your behavior.



45299 Research Place

Ashburn, VA 20147 


Hours of Operation



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