Job Announcement
General Instructor - Basic Training
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​Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy
A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Training Academy

Professional Development
The Academy is generally open Tuesday-Friday from 0600-1630 hours. Professional Development Training classes are held from 0700-1530 hours unless posted differently on the training calendar. Occasionally, the Academy will be open Mondays to accommodate 5 day/40 hour courses.
The Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy Professional Development Training offers over 130 different programs with multiple presentation dates throughout the training year. All of our Professional Development programs contribute to satisfying the mandated hours of Professional Development training required for re-certification by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). DCJS requires 34 hours of general instruction, 4 hours legal instruction, and 2 hours of cultural diversity training every 2 years.
While most Professional Development training is conducted at the Academy, a gradually increasing segment of training courses are being scheduled for agency-approved satellite training sites. These sites will be listed in the course description on the training calendar. For record-keeping information, contact the Professional Development Administrative Assistant at x301. Please contact the coordinators listed on the Professional Development Training Staff page for specific course information and registration.
The Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy, Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy and Prince William County Criminal Justice Academy have entered into a reciprocal agreement whereby each academy and their personnel would be eligible to receive training at each other's training academies. The enabling Memorandum of Understanding lists various requirements to meet the Professional Development training needs of each academy population.
Hours of Operation

The Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy classroom hours are from 0700 to 1530 hours.
The Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy (FCCJA) and the Prince William County Criminal Justice Academy (PWCCJA) hours are 0800 to 1630 hours.
Any changes in class hours/locations will be publicized well in advance whenever possible.
All students and instructors are expected to be on time.
In case of an emergency, call the main Academy numbers listed below:
Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy (FCCJA): (703) 449-7200
Prince William County Criminal Justice Academy (PWCCJA): (703) 792-6599
In order to maintain agency accountability, registrations for professional development classes will be handled through each Academy Professional Development section. Training Officers from the 17 member agencies of the NVCJTA will register their personnel through the Department of Criminal Justice Services TRACER system. Non-Member agencies may also sign up their personnel for NVCJTA classes through the TRACER system with the understanding that their personnel will be waitlisted.
Anyone attending classes or visiting the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy must display their agency / employer issued photo identification at all times while in the Academy. Anyone not issued photo identification by their employer will be issued a visitor badge which must be worn and displayed at all times while in the Academy.
All students shall conduct themselves in a professional manner during training. Verbal or physical conduct that harasses, disrupts, interferes, or creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile learning environment will not be tolerated.
All personnel are expected to present a professional appearance while attending training at the academy. Casual attire is permitted in lieu of departmental uniform. Shorts, cut offs, gym or exercise attire, sleeveless shirts, or anything with obscene printing which distracts from a positive learning atmosphere is not permitted. Denim jeans without tears or rips are acceptable.
Use of alcohol or tobacco products are not allowed in academy buildings. This shall not apply when alcohol or tobacco products are being utilized for training purposes.
Sworn law enforcement officers may carry firearms while in full uniform or if in civilian attire while displaying their badge of authority. Firearms are NOT permitted when attending any training involving practical exercises.
All in-service personnel leaving early or arriving late must check in/out with the academy main office or professional development coordinator.
All cellular phones and other communication devices must be turned off or on vibrate while in class.
Be respectful of other classes that are in session during your class break/lunch times.
Immediately report any accidents or injuries that occur during training or while on academy grounds to the academy staff.
Non-Academy member agencies may be accessed a fee to attend classes. Checks or money orders will be made out to NVCJTA. In some cases, credit cards can be used. Inquire with Professional Development about the administrative procedures, course fees or paying for a class, please call (703) 729-4299, x103.