Job Announcement
General Instructor - Basic Training
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​Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy
A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Training Academy
Welcome to the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy (NVCJTA) website. Our goal and purpose are to provide continual and cutting-edge training and support to our member agency personnel and the greater law enforcement community. As one of the largest regional criminal justice academies in the Commonwealth, we are authorized to operate by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. The Academy has been nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies since 2004.
With the support of the Academy Board of Directors and our member agencies, the Academy has been successful in developing, implementing, and delivering high quality training to our law enforcement and public safety officials in all capacities and ranks since 1965. Our team of professionals consist of sworn and non-sworn instructors, and administrative and operational staff, all of whom are committed to upholding the highest level of service and are fully dedicated to the success of this Academy.
The basic and professional development training our criminal justice professionals receive at the academy provides fundamental and foundational principles of 21st century policing and assists in their roles as servant leaders in their respective communities.
As you navigate our website you will find useful information about the history of the Academy, the training programs we offer, and our staff.
Thank you for visiting our website and I hope you find the content helpful.
Gregory C. Brown
Executive Director

Our Values
We are committed to the values of Character, Accountability, Cooperation and Excellence.​
We are trustworthy and honest in all of our actions.
We strive to be consistent in thought and action.
We are disciplined and conscientious.
We are positive role models to all of the students
We value and honor the public trust.
We promote open communication among our staff, our students, and the agencies we represent.
We are responsive to the concerns of our participating agencies and their communities.
We effectively and efficiently manage our resources.
We strive to work as a team.
We share a responsibility to serve the residents of Northern Virginia and the customers, visitors, and employees served by our member agencies.
We seek to cultivate lasting professional relationships with our law enforcement colleagues
We provide excellent staffing and facilities.
We meet or exceed nationally recognized law enforcement standards.
We believe that prudent judgment is essential to competence.
We understand that physical fitness is important to the image and performance of law enforcement professionals.
We pursue the latest in quality resources and training for our staff.
We promote new initiatives and pursue new approaches to training.
We are self-motivated and believe in the value and quality of our products.
We are dedicated to the improvement of the law enforcement profession.